
Canoe. Kayak. Primitive Camp.

Monday through Saturday on the hour, by appointment.

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Hours of operation

Open: Monday – Saturday Closed: Sunday
Drop times available by APPOINTMENT from 7 AM – 2 PM last drop time

Note: We accept cash only.

Starting Prices: Canoe $35, Kayak $30
See Rentals for more information

Who We Are

Upper Maumee Canoe and Kayak is a family owned and operated canoe and kayak livery located near Antwerp, Ohio. We started Upper Maumee Canoe and Kayak to enable others to experience the river in a way many locals have their entire lives – through immersion. Canoe and kayak rentals, as well as primitive campsites, are available by appointment.

Current River Conditions

The river is not always suitable or safe for canoeing or kayaking, even for very experienced paddlers. Check here or on our Facebook page for the latest conditions. We will monitor and update this information as often as necessary to ensure a safe and enjoyable season.

Open for the season, weather permitting. Please check our Facebook page for the most up to date river conditions. Water levels fluctuate significantly and often in Spring.


Full service canoe and kayak rentals are available by appointment. All canoe and kayak trips start at the Upper Maumee pavilion where riders, watercraft, and equipment are loaded for transport to the chosen start location. When you are done with your trip, you will be back at the camping, fishing, and parking area.

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